Well bluetooth seems to be a flavor today so heres my 2 cents.
First off I never go back to previous rom because the usual issues are never that bad, and there is always a new rom around the corner
. Having said, I am going back to the 24xxx roms for 3 reasons.
1. The bluetooth worked perfect on both the 24 release's. I have not had the real serous BT issues some have had, but 2-4 sec. delays on hangup were common and having to double click to hang up was common. I have 3 bluetooths and they all have the same issues with 23xxx (blueparrot, plantronic, Jawbone). Plus I stream audio into my stereo from BT. In other word I use bluetooth about 10 hours a day.
2. The battery life was actually better with the 24 than the latest 23.
3. The 10 second dim issue was fixed on the 24 roms.
I sent NRGZ a text on the bluetooth differece between 23 and 24, maybe it will help him narrow down the problem. (of course I will probably hear from all those whom the 24 roms made no diff what so ever, lol)