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Old 09-14-2010, 05:43 PM
winstonwolf's Avatar
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Unhappy Browser , Google Maps and Skyfire not working on Android Froyo 8/30 Blazn release

Hey everyone ..first i want to say sorry if this has been posted before , if so please dont flame me because ive honestly searched for days..anyway ..i downloaded the 8/30 blazn cab reformatted my sd card and all ,installed the cab ..everything works perfect ..sound and all but i have no browser ,google maps i even tried skyfire .When i try and open any of those they start to load then the phone just restarts back into win mo ive tried the reference cab ..even switched the rom i was using to something lighter to no avail ..the first version of android i used worked ok but was kinda slow and laggy and of course no sound but at least internet worked the thing that really baffles me is that android market works fine , its just those 3 ,has anyone else had this issue ??? any fixes ??? if so can someone point me in the right direction ??? and on a side note it me or is the advanced search feature on this site a pain in the rear ???i havent been able to use that since i first started on this site with my apache ..all advice is greatly appreciated..Thanks ..oh and btw im using a
vzw tp2 with Mr X rom 6.5 with Sense 2.5
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