Originally Posted by rileyd5
Ok Gten, we get it. You love your Epic. Congratulations on your purchase. It's a great device and you should be happy. Why do you feel the need to be Samsung's representative on the Evo forum? Is it really that boring in the Epic forum that you keep posting this stuff here? The Evo isnt thin??What?? Try playing a game and take advantage of the gpu or something. lol. You seem quite knowledgable and that is great, but your constant defense of the Epic here is getting old....I suppose it's outdated like the snapdragon. so be a good hummingbird and fly away!!!
I think your misunderstanding...the topic of this thread revolves around both the Epic and the EVO thus I'm answering the question in the topic...
If you noticed a lot of comments here were misconceptions about the Epic in general so I wanted to clear them up..so far if you read the entire thread I was fair to both devices.
If people stop attacking the Epic with false information then I would stop posting.
Just because this is an EVO forum do not think you can say whatever you want about other devices and get away without some form of objection. But I'm not doing this because it is a device I own either..I on many occasions even defended the iphone against baseless accusations...AND I HATE THE IPHONE!!! IT IS THE SOURCE OF ALL EVIL!!! BURNNN!!!!
In the end everyone has their choice of device and I respect that..