Thread: Stuck buttons
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Old 09-14-2010, 12:16 PM
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Re: Stuck buttons

Originally Posted by chrisquinn_99@YAHOO.COM View Post
I have also experienced the broken button issue several times on several new and refurbished imagios. Finally, I got fed up (again) and called tech support. I told them that I was about to leave Verizon regardless of the ETF, if I couldn't have a reliable working phone. I've been a customer since before it was Verizon and explained to them how stupid it would be to lose a customer over this. I told them that I didn't expect a new phone, but I did expect a different, comparable phone. The agreed to send me a samsung omnia 2. They are also sending me a new battery, phones cover, and wall charge for the omnia 2 in exchange for my imagio accessories. It should get here tomorrow. I told them I would be ok with the original droid as well, but apparently it is not part of their "upgrade" matrix to go from windows mobile to android. I hope this helps someone. I love htc and think everything they do is innovative, but the software doesn't matter if they can't get the hardware right.
Much nicer phone once you get used to things all being in a totally different place. Verizon did the same swap for me. I'm very happy with the O2. Not nearly as many hacks, etc out there for it, but a lot of my imagio stuff works on it!
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