Originally Posted by Jose0679
Hey Success...if you recently updated your mogul to the new rom you may want to go into the registry on your phone and change the Multi NAI as per the registry hack and then go into ##data# and change it to mobile ip preferred. I was having a similar issue on my notebook and once i made the multi nai tweak it worked. Well at least temporarily, i can connect and browse on my notebook but i get the remote party has terminated the connection about every hour or so. I just reconnect and keep on truckin...hope this helps
i had 3.16 when i was tethering with my xp notebook b4 i sold it, and no problems, nonetheless, ill try that. Ive almost gave up on this. SHid, when it happens, ipconfig still shows the phones ip address while its connected. Geek squad couldnt even figure it out...(im convinced they arent true geeks anyways) but thanks ill try this in about an hour and report back