Originally Posted by DaveTN
Thanks for the info. The HTC folder was fixed a while back (had to do with the documents tab that has since been removed by NRG), however, I was not aware of an issue with arkswitch, so I will follow your advice and give it a try. I'll post back with what happens.
So far, since my last post, I've had several more SOD's resulting in soft resets, so I'll try that before I pass final judgement on it.
I'm also not ruling out a bad flash so I may wipe it, redownload the rom again and then reflash.
Thanks for the tips and advice.
after reading your post and results thus far im leaning towards maybe it was just a bad flash,never seen that many SOD's on the crappiest roms and i know damn well you know what your doing and have known that since back in the tp thread
as far as the arkswitch issue im gonna keep my eye open on that as i have never had any of the issues caused by arkswitch but maybe i have been lucky,the one lone issue i have had with arkswitch was with the last release roms,just wouldn't stay running but that was a easy fix
hope you get it figured out and i got two days off and i have to say now i wanna flash the gtx,man after beta testing so long it kinda sucks running a rom with no issues

i gotta get used to it lol