Originally Posted by puff601
Increase Picture Quality of Camera Photos:
The following tweak will allow the camera to save images at a less compressed jpeg rate, meaning that the image will be sharper and more detailed.
HKLM\software\htc\camera\image\jpegquaity\superfin e
Replace the 3Msize value with "746028"
This is said to make the camera take 7mp pics instead of 3mp. im not sure if it actually takes 7mp pics now, but the pics are alot sharper
This one seems to either help a bit or do nothing for me. Anyone else tried it?
Originally Posted by puff601
Improve Camera Recording Quality of MPEG4-VGA Videos:
The following tweak will increase the video quality from 2100avg bit-rate to 4500avg bit-rate.
Go to [HKLM\Software\HTC\Camera\recparam\MP4VGA and replace the BitRate value with 4194304 (default value = 2097152)
This makes video look like a$$. Default on my phone is 768000.
2097152 makes the video look very grainy. 4194304 is even worse.
If these were found in an HD2 forum...maybe they wont work on the TP2 since the Hardware on the TP2 is not as good?