This is a tutorial for how to build an EVO theme! Before you begin you will need the following tools...
-Android SDK (setup)
-Winsign General ROM FAQ
-Photoshop (Gimp is free photo editing software)
All of these tools can be found through google search.
take your editable apk's out of the rom by copying and pasting them from the open rom to your folder you are going to use them out of. the example we will use is the phone apk and the phone default icon. this is the picture you see when you call someone without a photo in your contacts.
right click the phone apk and select 7zip open archive.
copy the res from 7zip to the folder you are working in then open the res folder
in this example the editable files are in the drawable hdpi folder.
there is our cute little phone default icon, now click and drag the little guy into photoshop.
if you see a little lock next to the layer, right click and duplicate the layer then delete the locked layer. if the layer says index next to it click image, mode, rgb.
erase the original image. anything you make will have to fit in the original canvas size so we will build off of the original file. you will want to see the checkerboard pattern to indicate that your image does not have a background.
click and drag the image you want to use onto our original phone_default canvas and resize the image to fit the canvas or simply center the image. to make sure that the proportions are correct during resizing hold the shift key.