Originally Posted by boricoso
just some feedback for the creators and my fellow flashers.. I've been running 21915 v0.1.1 for about a day now..Love the Rom "bored" thank you and anyone else that may have put there 2 cents in. All programs have been running great. There is only 1 problem. the Rom tents to freeze up with no buttons operational.. Besides that, 2 thumbs up all day..
Ya. He is aware of that issue. I imagine he has been busy because I'm sure he intends to remove 21915 from the main page and recommend an earlier build.
I believe bored recommends Inferno 21911 v.0.3.2 that can be downloaded
I tried it and it seemed stable. I just hate that rss feed. =/ I read on
mobileunderground that it's a matter of editing a manilla file to disable it from the homescreen. If I am not mistaken, the cab that's posted on here just disables the tab and not removing RSS from homescreen? /shrug