Originally Posted by nerys
Sorry your wrong. Those rights do not apply until YOU ARE a corporation (and that decision by the SCOTUS was WRONG and will eventually be overturned but for now its law)
Oh really? When do you foresee this happening since this decision was made almost 100 years ago? Can you list a SCOTUS case challenging it?
I didnt think so.
Originally Posted by nerys
to GET to that point you must first BECOME incorporated and that requires the PERMISSION OF THE STATE.
OK, and so? Sprint IS incorporated, therefore afforded said rights.
Originally Posted by nerys
and those are not RIGHTS in the same sense as YOUR RIGHTS. those are still privileges or "powers" since the state can still DISBAND your incorporation thereby revoking those "rights"
Not according to SCOTUS. Also, people's constitutional rights can be legally withdrawn. i.e. when under incarceration.
Originally Posted by nerys
If your going to go quoting law at least have some idea of what your quoting.
One of my personal goals in life is to see that SCOTUS decision overturned. it is singularly responsible for a lot of the problems we are having today. Alas its not likely seeing the direction out courts are going lately at least not in this generation.
as to your second issue? asked and answered therefore ignored.
If one of your personal goals is to overturn SCOTUS rulings, I would suggest a law degree first (which I doubt you have) and the wherewithal to challenge it (which you dont. You're just an internet crybaby at this point. Hell, you cant even properly use "your/you're correctly).
Rage on bro
You said:
My primary issue is with the Premium SERO upgrade charge for NO upgrade. a "because we can" fee.
Sprint does not have the right. Again privilege not right. They have the POWER yes but not the right.
What? If a SERO plan holder doesnt upgrade there's no change in contract terms. Did you intend to imply this?
And also, as previously discussed, a corporation has every "right" to change terms and conditions as afforded by law. Which is behind them.