Wirelessly posted (Samsung Epic : Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.1-update1; en-us; SPH-D700 Build/ECLAIR) AppleWebKit/530.17 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/530.17)
on a dif forum relating to camera freezing sum1 said that pressing the power button while in camera locks it in that mode . . . pressing it again unlocks it .... here is what they said
"hey folks For those of you experiencing a lock-up while in camera mode, I thought it happened to me the other day as well, turns out its not a bug its user error. If you try to turn off the screen while in camera/video mode by hitting the screen lock button you are locking the camera mode, which mean you are making it so that the phone does not accept any inputs aside from unlocking by hitting the power/ screen unlock button again. This "lock mode" is indicated by lock icon appearing in the top corner of the screen. The reason for this screen unlock button again. This "lock mode" is indicated by lock icon appearing in the top corner of the screen. The reason for this mode is actually good, if you are filming something important you don't a finger slip hitting the back/home buttons and ruining your video, so you can lock it and not worry about it. Of course this means if you don't know about the feature and you activate it, instant freak out. But, now you know
mode is actually good, if you are filming something important you don't a finger slip hitting the back/home buttons and ruining your mode is actually good, if you are filming something important you don't a finger slip hitting the back/home buttons and ruining your video, so you can lock it and not worry about it. Of course this means if you don't know about the feature and you activate it, instant freak out. But, now you know