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Old 09-11-2010, 02:29 PM
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Re: android os for hd2

Originally Posted by nrfitchett4 View Post
T-mobile has 14 day buyer remorse, might be his best option. He should have done is research better. You don't buy a Mac or a PC and immediately look to completely redo it. Why should you be able to put any OS on any phone???? These aren't like computers where the layout is the same (same keyboard, same basic mouse). Some have hardware buttons, some don't.
I think it boils down to an informed purchase. You need to research before hand what you want in your phone, prioritize those things and decide a best phone for you. I really like a hardware keyboard, but decided I could live without it to get the 1ghz proc, double ram and upcoming HSPA+ on a WinMo phone.
to be honest guys the android its not all that and whats so special about it , all there is a little fun apps and most of them are not free, i do have samsung behold (2) its a nice phone built in android software called android (houdini.apk) but still i prefer wm 6.1 its real good and the device is like a mini pc in your palms , anyways android phones are good and wm phones are also good i could use both with no problem at all its a phone that makes outgoing and incoming calls i dont need fancy things on my phone , people buy phones worth hundreds of dollars and at the end there os always something new in the market and the manufactures are very smart cause they know people are stupid and would pay top dollar for a phone that does the same just a little more futures , even poor people that live in the ghetto would by a phone cot so much just to show off with it lol thats really none sense guys cause the economy is down and lots of people cant afford these things no more and if your poor and your spending money like that , than you dont understand this world , the only way that rich people get more rich is when the low life people spend there money on phones that they buy from china for $15 to $50 manufacture top price paid for the device lmao and they sale it here for $150 and more , take this as an advice guys sorry no hard feelings
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