Originally Posted by iphoney4u
Mods do need to grow up really. Power hungry nerds. lol. jus sayin.
try and keep a low profile THIS time..
Originally Posted by nerys
Does not really factor into my reply. I treat all people equally. Mods don't get any different treatment.
As a mod I would think he would have realized what was happening (it happens a lot when I post from the cell phone which is why I don't post often from the phone  and to the best I can see it was posted twice not 3 times (unless he removed one of the dupes)
Disrespect was not meant but the statement stands.
If there are repercussions from such statements so be it - its not my forum I don't make the rules. But I also do not alter how I interact with people (short of being impolite or offensive in extreme of course IE I follow etiquette appropriate for the conversation)
If he is a good/experienced mod nothing should happen. If he is a little cranky or not nice (it happens) bad things might happen. I can only control what I do so I don't worry about what other people can do too much.
before this whole thing gets shut down, i will say that i agree with what you are trying to say..however, it is now up to the company to do what they wish. it sucks, it stinks, but it's life. the only to show displeasure is by NOT spending money with that company. but constantly stating over and over that you were wronged isn't going to fix your problem, and you won't get sympathy from those not on sero.