Originally Posted by Dr.8820
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you do realize that is a mod....it was nice knowing you!
Does not really factor into my reply. I treat all people equally. Mods don't get any different treatment.
As a mod I would think he would have realized what was happening (it happens a lot when I post from the cell phone which is why I don't post often from the phone
and to the best I can see it was posted twice not 3 times (unless he removed one of the dupes)
Disrespect was not meant but the statement stands.
If there are repercussions from such statements so be it - its not my forum I don't make the rules. But I also do not alter how I interact with people (short of being impolite or offensive in extreme of course IE I follow etiquette appropriate for the conversation)
If he is a good/experienced mod nothing should happen. If he is a little cranky or not nice (it happens) bad things might happen. I can only control what I do so I don't worry about what other people can do too much.