Originally Posted by ksfoster
I actually had a few minutes this morning to peruse XDA and I read something that we might want to consider regarding this idea. Someone over there mentioned that since the Galaxy S is spread out over 4 carriers that it will never have the unified development that the EVO has. I think reformatting this forum is an opportunity to not only clean it up and make the information easier to find (which, after all is why we do this), but it needs to be set up in a way that will create a more unified approach to development of the Galaxy S.
I like the idea of having a general category for all Galaxy S devices, but is there a way to cross-reference the different topics? For example if someone posts something for the Epic in the Epic section, and then it turns out that this will also work for the Fascinate, Verizon users will probably never see it.
I don't really have a solution here, but maybe one of you data mining experts out there can figure out a way to make sure the dev process doesn't get too fragmented.
Cross-referencing is gonna require upgrades to the forum...what was suggested on XDA was similar to what I posted up where development is separated out and all cross device upgrades go to the General upgrade forum with tags such as [V][E][F][C]
Samsung Galaxy Series
| -- Upgrades
| --Captivate Upgrades
| --Epic 4g Upgrades
| --Fascinate Upgrades
| --Vibrant Upgrades
| --Accessories