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Old 09-11-2010, 12:53 AM
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Re: Unofficial known issues list 8/31

I've only been playing around for a total of a few hours so far but things I've noticed that haven't already been mentioned:
1) Power button and end button are working bass ackwards
2) Sprint 3G speeds aren't as good in Droid as WinMo
3) My WiFi is way stronger in Droid than WinMo
4) I've only done this a couple of times but when I have roaming set to Sprint Only in Droid, then reboot to WinMo if I have WinMo set to Roam only when I reboot to Droid it boots in Airplane mode and which I can't turn off without a reboot
5) If you set the on-screen keyboard to vibrate on key presses it severely slows the device down while typing to the point it's unusable

Hopefully I can give some more feedback the more I play with it. I'm running 2.2 Blazn cab
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