Originally Posted by jacobfogg
Excellent... any rom suggestions on the "WM6.1 build w/o Sense" front?... or the "SPB Shell w/o sense"?
SPB Mobile Shell is a User Interface, like Sense, but SPB is about $30.00. You can get it through Microsoft Marketplace, or SPB's website (i don't know the url, sorry)
When i tried it, I used a Titanium ROM (with no Sense and I think it was from Mr.X) But there are other Titanium roms floating about... you don't need a titanium rom to run SPB, but it makes sense to not have Sense installed if you are using SPB.. That senTense just confused the hell outta me.........lol
There is a ROM i saw somewhere (prolly on page 3 or 4) That is 6.1 and it's set up for sprint. It could be an older "Sprint Lovers", I'm not sure..