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Old 09-10-2010, 02:58 PM
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Re: Linux/Android on CDMA Touch Pro -- Now working on Verizon! And with GPS!

Pretty sure the original Android launcher has 3. You'll need a non-stock one to change that. A non-stock one like... (gasp!) LauncherPro.

Seriously, though, I'd give it another shot. Hit menu from the home screen, then Preferences (which is distinct from Settings -- not super intuitive) to get to the LauncherPro settings. You can set between 3 and 7 screens, between 1 and 3 sets of dock icons, old or new style highlighting... you can definitely customize it to feel very close to stock (1.6 or 2.0+). You can even set it up so it has those cute little dots to indicate which screen you're on and to slide you back and forth.

I'm not usually one to pay for software when there's free alternatives, but I donated to LauncherPro*. I think it's really good stuff, and getting better very quickly. I didn't really care about the widgets when I threw in my $3, but it turns out they're really good, too. I've got HTC Sense on my Evo, and I tossed it in favor of LauncherPro.

* And TitaniumBackup. And Subsonic. That's pretty much the whole list for the last couple years or so.

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