Re: New SERO Oct 1st
but they are going to FORCE me to chose to either upgrade or cancel. Eventually there will be no phones that meet my CURRENT needs (forget about my future needs) as more and more of the usable phones become upgrade only.
that is force. and the strawman pathetic argument of other providers phones? I won't even honor that with any more to say on that. that was a pathetic reach man. seriously lame.
saw your later reply about how they are forcing beserker
easy. when his CURRENT hardware that meets his CURRENT needs is no longer viable and he can not easily REPLACE said hardware with an equivalent.
the choice will be FORCED upon him.
Assuming downgrading his current requirements is not a valid option he will have a choice of either paying for the upgrade fee or canceling service.
that is the very definition of FORCE. the very definition of COMPEL I have no idea where you cherry picked your very odd definition
New Oxford Dictionary has a more NORMAL definition of COMPEL
"bring about (something) by the use of force or pressure"
the very definition of what sprint is doing.
sure you can IGNORE the force or pressure FOR NOW but only for so long until no viable hardware is available to you but without question you WILL be forced into this decision eventually if your needs and wants remain the same.
Last edited by nerys; 09-10-2010 at 01:56 PM.