Originally Posted by lkillen
Not sure. The EVO was to be a "corner turning" release, much as the iPhone. It was to redefine Sprint in the marketplace, and has to some degree. If I was on the board of directors, I would ask what else was in the pipeline and if their was nothing impressive, I would them them to release Gingerbread.
Sprint has done a terrible job of marking Evo. Is there is jingle that you can remember? "I got an app for that..." There is a market trade-off for promotion to penetration but I think they need to promote more. Their stock is creeping back up and making the day-traders a few $s, but otherwise it is in the crapper. I got out at $5 and today it trade at $4.40.
Sprint is more or less a holding company for a telcom and do not see the world through Apple eyes.
The Evo has no problems selling, my friend is trying to ditch his iPhone but has been on the waiting list for about a month now. It's a hot phone I keep running into in the wild now.
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