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Old 09-10-2010, 03:41 AM
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Re: New SERO Oct 1st

I don't want to add fuel to the flame, just want to add my non-flammable two cents.

I love Sprint service. I've been with Sprint since July 2008 (two days before they canceled SERO). I bought a Treo 700wx and swapped it for a Treo 800w. The Treo 800w came out on the day SERO ended. These two years flew by. I've had like 5 replacements issued to me (all insured replacements - no deductible) for my Treo 800w. Sprint is by far better than anything I've seen on T-Mobile for the 6 horrible years I was with them. I've experienced negligible drop calls and near-excellent call quality. All this for SERO pricing of $43/month (taxes and insurance included).

I just learned that my college gives me a 23% on a new service contract with Sprint ( Sprint has so many discounts, it's ridiculous. I personally do not like the coolness tax and I do not like the Android/Iconic SERO tax either. The low price SERO plan has made it possible for me to pay my bill on time every month.

The way I see this situation is as follows. Sprint is wrong for being ambiguous about rates in my opinion but it is obvious they need money. Now I can point to a lot of ways Sprint can save money (pay board members less, don't spend money on NASCAR, etc), but I don't know how doing that will affect the company in the long run. I personally do not know how long Sprint will last but I definitely do not want to see it go. I would pay the extra amount to help Sprint out, but usually when you help a big corporation out, they turn around and screw you anyway (I say this from experience).

To conclude, I won't complain because I've loved every second of being on Sprint. Everywhere I go, I get service (except out of the country - I turn my phone off). If I do go below one bar, I switch to FREE Roaming. T-Mobile charged me for roaming. What I will do instead of complaining, I will continue to look for deals that fits my budget and devices that suit my needs. Like that link I just posted about the discount you get at some colleges or even businesses.

Remember, you didn't get SERO by complaining, you got it by diligently looking for a better deal!

I guess my two cents had some gasoline on it but it won't burn down the place.

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