Originally Posted by nerys
what aggravates me is the inability or unwillingness of some on this forum (who I would assume are ABOVE AVERAGE in knowledge to begin with for the fact that they are even HERE) to understand and to even DEFEND these actions.
You aggravate me by not understanding the reality of the situation...
No carrier has ever offered a perpetual contract to anyone. They are free to raise prices, drop features, and anything else they choose on new and out of contract subscribers. A contract is just what it is, a contract,... A legal document binding two people to perform agreed upon actions for some duration of time.
Without a contract Sprint is under no obligation to provide you service and you are equally under no obligation to stick with Sprint. As such, Sprint could easily say they are killing Sprint for any Out of Contract customer. That wasn't what they chose to do!
Also, Sprint never took the right to get any phone away from you. That is in your right today and always will be. You also have to agree to pay whatever fees come with that device. If you don't agree you can always vote with your wallet.
See, you are quick to generalize all of us SERO users to me like yourself. It is for this reason that Sprint is walking the line they are walking. They aren't generalizing us and instead are allowing us to choose on our own merits. I would like unlimited Sprint Navigation (I find it better than Bing or Google maps personally) and Any Mobile Anytime. To say none of us see them as valuable is laughable.
But... If you don't agree they are worth any money or useful then you vote with your wallet... You skip adding $10 extra to your SERO plan.
SERO is still the best plan on the market right now competitively speaking and will be even moreso after the $10 buy up. But make the buying choice that best fits your needs.
A loaf of bread was a nickle at some point... Now you pay a good solid $3... Never expect inflation to pass you by