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Old 09-10-2010, 01:02 AM
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Originally Posted by nerys View Post
"On the other hand, I do think it was pretty awesome of Sprint to offer SERO folks the option to get an Evo or Epic. The could have easily NOT offered us this route."

but this is my issue. I ALWAYS had the option to go with something like the evo or epic or 8530 or pixie. Sprint CHANGED the rules took that option away and then came up with this "fee" to get it back.

they are offering nothing. they took it away and then said here you can have it back for a price.

thats unethical. (not the 4G fee the $10 upgrade fee)

and the idea of voting with my dollar is a strawman argument since you KNOW the conditions involved here.

Let me clarify a few parts of your reply to the way I see them

"I do think that the first EXTRA initial $10 fee that Sprint is doing for Sero Premium is a good value for SERO folks. With $30 + $10 you get a crazy amount of service options."

they are adding nothing of any real value to the typical SERO user and the features they add are worthless largely for the phones you would PAY the fee to get.

"They are going to add Navi (for folks like me with older SEROs that dont have NAVI),"

Woopee? the phones that need the $10 fee have far superior FREE alternatives to Sprint Navi even the PAY navi options are cheaper than sprint after 6-10 months.


Woopee? worthless UNLESS you bet a BB and its probably ONE TIME. ie I bet if you pay the $10 and do not get a BB then you can never GET BB from then on (could be wrong) but even still its largely not that important to me and likely not important to most SERO users since ALL you get with BIS is Push Mail and access to app world. anything else you can still do without BIS

Sprint TV,

again woopee my orb server is a billion times better

" and the ability to add WebOS, Android, and Blackberry phones to our plans."

They are NOT giving you the ability to add webos android or blackberry phones to our plan. YOU ALWAYS had that ability until they REMOVED IT and now offer it back for a price.

"The other nice thing is that this fee is 100% OPTIONAL!!! No one is forcing you to take the option."

This is the part people do not understand. its NOT optional. its effectively compulsory. inevitably if they continue this trend YOU WILL be forced to make the choice of cancel or pay the fee. Eventually you won't be able to find an equivalent phone that does what you need that will "work" with your account.

you ARE being forced just not being forced "TODAY" but you will be forced.

try finding a nice sample of a decent smart phone from 5 years ago. any idea how hard it is to find good working PPC6700's ?

AGAIN what upsets me is NOT sprints actions. they are for the most part expected and I know how to handle sprint just fine.

what aggravates me is the inability or unwillingness of some on this forum (who I would assume are ABOVE AVERAGE in knowledge to begin with for the fact that they are even HERE) to understand and to even DEFEND these actions.
You really are hard headed. Doesn't matter if people don't like it or can't afford it... Prices will always go up. That's a fact of life. This $10 charge is a way of sprint allowing people to keep their discounted sero plans and have some of the new phones that use more data. And yes, the android phones use more data than wm phones. I know because I came from a custom rom tp2.

I also worked for verizon back when they introduced new plans to replace the older plans that used to use minutes for internet instead of kb. After verizon introduced those plans they mandated that alot of the phones could not be activated unless you upgraded or changed to one of the new plans. Did anybody make a big deal about that or threaten with legal action? No.. The reason why not was because it was completely legal. Just like it is completely legal for sprint to make these changes now. They might seem unfair and unethical changes but these businesses are in it to make money. That hasn't changed and won't change anytime soon.
At least sprint is trying to meet people on sero halfway. So keep complaining. I will just pay the extra huge amount of $10 and get the extras like anytime any mobile, unlimited nav, which reviews have shown that it is as of now better than google nav because telenav does a good job of updating it.
So keep complaining while everyone else is still happy since there is no other plan that can even touch the sero even with the addon charge.

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