Originally Posted by chardog
using the autorun with all default settings and tried to run 674 mhz or something?
yes getting SOD
Did you follow the proper procedure?
1- Download this
2- then this
OC_Auto4.1_GUI.zip (I use this one)
3- Unzip the Oc auto 4.1zip and put both files in the ROOT of your SD CARD as such: /Sd card
4-copy OC_Auto4.1.mscr script and paste
SHORTCUT in /windows/startup
5- Then go to your /sd card and open OC_Auto4.1_GUI.mscr and set your desired settings there ( start as follows to be safe then go up gradually if your phone handles it 710, 604, 1000) -> (Start with those settings to be safe)
6- restart phone (ALL DONE )