Originally Posted by Spearoid
Are there any plans to release a new ROM or ROM updates in the near future?
I've held off customizing my latest flash of your ROM because I was holding out hope that a release of some sort might be coming that would fix the D-Pad issue.
If no, then I will go ahead and set this bad boy up and learn how to function without the D-Pad.
thanks for your help!
Well, there's nothing much new on my end, except I've CFC'd abrasive's 2018 WVGA packages (with the help of mwalt2) that provides consistency across those and his ported packages that I'm using. This resulted in ~1Mb smaller rom and cleaned up a few graphical glitches and other minor bugs. I also removed SPB screenshot and the "fancy" 2016 calculator, saving maybe another 0.7Mb, because I like Whip2Snap much better, and I wasn't using the calculator and there are equally as good ones that can be installed via cab if necessary.
Per usual, there literally is a new SYS coming out every couple of days or so. I'm monitoring these to see if something really hot arrives, but most if not all are incremental improvements or bug fixes. That is not unexpected with MS's focus of late being on WM7.
I'm a bit surprised we haven't had a new version of CHT supporting RSS/2018 from Co0kie. Given the latest version at 1.85, the almost 3 months since his last release, and the rumors circulating, it looks like CHT 2.0 (just my guess on version number) will be a real humdinger. Of course all you'll need to jump on that is one of my 2018 roms since it will/should be cab installable. I'd heard that Maxycy of MaxSense is moving to another residence, so it may be a while before we see an update on that. Finally, on the D-Pad, I haven't really come up with anything other than what I mentioned before; it might be the cooked in HTC Scroll Package.
One nice update that came out in the last few days is an updated Opera Mini 5.1, cab installable of course. I use Explorer as my full function browser when needed, but mini is my everyday mobile browser.
More than you probably wanted to know, but gives you and others a picture of where I am at in terms of any new updates/capabilities coming.