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Old 09-09-2010, 02:30 PM
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Re: It's Official...WebOS tablet in the pipeline

Originally Posted by fixxxer2008 View Post
might be a little too late for palm. samsung is releasing a tablet with android that i think will be a great competitor to the ipad. if they want to stay in the game release another palm pre device.
I totally agree...Palm dropped a lot of balls with the Pre/Pixi.

Palm users are still waiting for new hardware (and there is a rumor that it'll be out "soon"). Palm users are still waiting for WebOS 2.0 (and there is a rumor that it will also be out "soon").

The WebOS tablet could be very cool, but like fixxxer said, Android is being released on numerous tablets.

Being a recent convert to Android I can't imagine going back to WebOS at this point. Maybe WebOS 2.0 will have some cool features...who knows.

If a tablet is in my future I'd probably go with one running Android.

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