Re: Linux/Android on CDMA Touch Pro -- Now working on Verizon! And with GPS!
Hmm... if you're missing a step, it's getting the drivers. But if you connect USB and then boot to android, it should pop up the device and auto-install the adb drivers. (I think they still come up as 'HTC Dream'.)
Oh, and then you'll need to get the adb command line tools... you can either download the android sdk and install the tools, or just grab droid explorer, which includes a version of adb, and you can use its integrated shell to connect (though it's a terrible CLI). You can also probably use its GUI to just push the files to the correct locations.
You'll probably need to modify the script to point to the right interface (ppp0 instead of rmnet0) and... possibly some other things. I haven't taken a close look at it.
(Fake edit: OK, I've looked at it now. The script under the new/ directory seems to have some grep cleverness applied to find the right interface and IP addresses, so... try that one, not the others.)
Clearly this is uncharted territory, and expects some comfort and familiarity with the command line and how everything works together. You may have to bang on permissions a bit if things complain, too.
And even with all that, if you do everything right, it's no guarantee that it'll get you working data. But it's worth a shot. I'll try to help if I can.