Originally Posted by nxtech3
Why would you want a WM device to look like an iPhone??? i would just go get an iPhone IF i wanted one. i dont so thats why i bought an WM phone. just a question not to blast on anybody, just wondering what are pros/cons of doing this moddification as opposed to leaving it WM
I keep seeing this point brought up...the iPhone interface is clean and fairly professional. It's the same reason some people like their WM phone to have a Vista-like interface or a Mac OS-like interface. They are a fan of the design more than the device. Should we all use the default WM theme since we chose to get a WM device? That is a logical conclusion to this line of reasoning, but of course no one would suggest that. Everyone should use what works for them and makes them happy. And if what makes me happy doesn't make sense to you, chalk it up to a difference of opinion.
I can't understand why anyone would want a Vista (putrid sham of an OS that it is) interface on their phones, but I haven't posted such a comment in any of those threads.
And then there is that pesky little thing about needing to switch to AT&T if you want an iPhone. And the limited amount of programs and tweaks for the iphone. And on and on...