Originally Posted by siff
They are NOT offering anything but the Droid , not the X not the inc. Only the droid I just spoke to them on the phone and got off the asurion website anyone else telling otherwise is full of crap. Check for yourself , but anyone saying anything but the fact they are giving an original droid does not know what they are talking about! Not technically not if you complain nothing I have an ARPU of over $300 per month which is what they rate you usage on and they wouldn't give it to me. Average ARPU is around $120-$150. People make me laugh......

Or maybe you could blame it on your impressive people skills... Why would we lie? Of course they aren't going to offer anything but the D1 if they have them in stock. When they run out, they are forced to offer something else. VZW did the exact same thing. Why do you think I'm typing this with my brand new free Droid 2?