Originally Posted by Ph33zy
Thanks for the feedback... I was hoping it would get rid of the lags when using Manila with CHT, but it seems like it doesn't. I also would imagine thatoverclocking would drain the battery faster as well.
Funny you should ask about power consumption. It's an odd result, actually, as increased battery drain DOES NOT seem to occur when overclocking...
According to the dynamic power equation in physics, the dynamic power draw of a circuit is P=ACV^2F
*where A = activity factor (i.e. CPU switching), C = the capacitive load, V^2 = voltage squared, and F = the frequency
By increasing the frequency of the CPU (i.e. overclocking) by, say 35%, you would see an increase of 35% in the CPU's specific power draw on the battery. Yet, for some reason, increased battery drain does not appear to occur.
My only hypothesis on this is that the general CPU frequency must not be a major power drain on the battery (whereas screen brightness, video encoding, web browsing, et. al. are) so increasing F on the chip doesn't suck that much more battery