Originally Posted by DavidinCT
"As I previously mentioned, the hardware in your device is identical to that of the GSM sister with the difference of the Cellular antenna."
Every tech support drone on the planet is completely knowledgeable and is always right. Except the one who sent you that email.
Originally Posted by DavidinCT
No idea on why a ROM from GSM would brick a phone (maybe some command when it starts up looks for the wrong antenna bricks it ?), also the fact that we are using an un-offical method to unlock phones, it might have something to do with it...
An antenna is a piece of metal. All antennas look alike to software, even if some actually work and some don't.
If the hardware were actually identical apart from the antenna, the software would have no way of knowing whether it was being asked to run a GSM device or a CDMA one and would not brick either.