Originally Posted by KIOWA69
that's a pretty bold statement, i know you have been around the thread for a little while and should know better, come on dude you know that just because it's not running like a snapdragon for you doesn't mean that something wrong with it, did you try to change the pagepool? did you flash, hard reset and flash again, what cabs you install afterwards, i'm not saying you are wrong but at least have the common curteousy to ask any other users of that specific version of the rom if it's running slow for them.
Brother .....I know what ur saying , and I did everything you advised and tons of things more ....I am saying that just to make NRGZ keep his well known quality, not to accomplish quantity.
I like NRGZ series,he releases many ROMs but he has only one release every month that is truly a good release.
I dont know why some people dont like someone to tell the truth .
I am sorry brother that I said the truth,that is what the forum is all about , advising and helping each other to be better.
these are my 2 cents for today for you, NRGZ and the thread
sorry again if I said the truth