Originally Posted by DavidinCT
The CDMA Phone is the same exact phone as the GSM version accept for the cellular antenna.
Quote from HTC "The hardware in your device is identical to that of the GSM sister with the difference of the Cellular antenna. "
They're saying that the internals of the GSM version sold worldwide and the CDMA versions sold in the US are identical except for the antenna? Well, that alone tells you the person is feeding you a line of bullshit. There's no known CDMA circuitry in the GSM version. For that matter, there are different CDMA hardware versions. If the above statement were true, then CDMA ROM's wouldn't brick GSM devices and vice-versa, since a ROM doesn't have any way of knowing what antenna is installed (or even whether an antenna is installed). Every statement after this nonsensical one is highly questionable.