Sero Premium Cost/benefit Analysis
Vogue since 01/08,
$30 plan is actually $34.50 when taxes/fees included. 15% additional in taxes/fees.
Iconic monthly will be $40 + $6 = $46.
33% increase over my current plan.
$276 additional over a 24 month contract.
Evo/Epic monthly will be $50 + $7.50 = $57.50.
66% increase over my current plan.
$552 additional over a 24 month contract.
New device will cost up to $200.
New batteries. I currently have 5.
New Software. All my Winmo Software will be worthless.
New case(s). I must've bought 5 before I found the RIGHT CASE that carries my Vogue, an extra battery, 2 BT8040s, audio-adapter and earbuds.
New accessories.
Upgrading my phone is a little like upgrading a snowmobile, pickup-truck, or dirt-bike.
The old gal works hard, looks OK, and is a known quantity. She's just a little dated. Kinda like my girlfriend(just kidding).
The new gal is a FOX, sexy and full of promise.
Shall I cast aside the known quantity (that I love) in a quest for something better at great expense...