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Old 09-07-2010, 10:26 PM
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Re: New SERO Oct 1st

Hey nerys, you did not answer my question from before. What exactly do you want us current users to do? I want to use all phones without the $10 fee too! You specifically said yourself that us SERO customers make up maybe 1/2 of 1% of their customer base...and we are also paying them the least out of their customers as well. Should we all meet up in an alley to threaten the Sprint CEO? Cause otherwise we have absolutely no influence on what Sprint does even if we all complain to HQ. You realize that even if you leave, they won't care right? One of their regular customers paying $70/month can cover a loss of two SERO customers...

You also referred to how unfair it is about subsidized phones versus ones you buy straight out. Yes, Verizon and Sprint limits the phones you use no matter how to obtain the phone and T-mobile and AT&T doesn't. You realize T-Mobile and AT&T don't because they can't right? They are actively working on new ways to detect which phone you are putting your sim card into. Many people have reported that AT&T have sometimes not only detect that they are using a smartphone...but automatically "upgrading" them to the higher data plan without even asking them. You can be sure that the other sim providers, once they are able to know that you are using a high end device, they'll force you to use a high end data plan.

Yes, I agree, what Sprint does isn't entirely "friendly"...but then again Sprint isn't my friend nor will I ever view them as such. What they are doing is totally fair in the business world and many companies do something similar...and often much worse. As many have stated, Sprint never actually stated that all phones will be available with our plans. At the time when data-intense devices were pretty much non-existent, Sprint didn't feel the need to limit our selection. Believe me, if they could've without repercussions, Sprint wouldn't have let our Touch Pro 2's on SERO either. However since Windows Mobile has been around forever and was allowed on SERO, they couldn't justify upsetting everyone. Our TP2's are essentially a fluke in their system because it is a SERO phone that can use up a lot of data while using an "old" operating system.

If you feel so upset about it, show Sprint you mean it. Just start streaming youtube and tethering to your heart's content to get your $30 worth of service. Then if Sprint threatens to kick you out and cancel your service, argue with the rep about the definition of unlimited.
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