Originally Posted by DaveTN
Sorry man... I'm not ignoring you. I just havn't had the problem. I don't tether a lot, but when I do, I don't have any problems.
Her's what I do: Turn off data, turn on wifi and then turn on wifi sharing. Then connect my laptop.
Are you trying to tether via USB?
Thanks for the relpy. Yes via the USB. My company is on a closed network, so I tether my laptop every day. I tried all the workarounds you mentioned to no avail. The problem is that the program does not show any network connections ("none" see Pic.) I can still use the wifirouter to connect, its just not as sanitary. I may be a 24xxx thing, as the last 23xxx worked fine. (And no there is nothing in the drop down

). If no one has an answer I will wait for the next build and see if it resolves itself. Lord knows I need a good excuse to flash the latest rom, lol.