Re: New SERO Oct 1st
Are you truly this dense? are you being this dense on purpose? when was I able to have motorola's OS? when motorola made it.
When was I able to have SANYO's OS? when sanyo made it. What does the OS have anything to do with this?
thats like saying it actually MATTERS that you drive a lexus instead of a hummer.
My sero account has unlimited text 7-7 and power vision FROM DAY ONE
what you describe is a DIFFERENT kind of account also called "sero"
they are not the same thing.
If I HAD an older sero account that did not include power vision sprint would be under NO obligation to "grant" me access to that service if they did not want to.
I am not asking for any new or different service.
Visual Voicemail? who gives a flying crap not me? Sprint Navigation? a waste of bytes on the phone. Anymobile? don't want it don't need it don't care about it.
"Visual Voicemail, Sprint Navigation, and/or Anymobile may be required codes for phones like the Pre, Instinct, or Android phones to work properly on an account. You don't know this to be true or not, and neither do I. The only people who know this are Sprint."
The very fact that you even MADE this statement is simply astonishing. as if the PHONE has anything to do with sprint INTENTIONALLY beyond any technological need putting a LIMIT on an account because of a feature to FORCE an upgrade.
How can you even attempt to have a logical discussion and then attempt to USE the very issue I am complaining about as evidence to counter it?
the very CONCEPT of sprint building things into it and then making it mandatory as a way to force people to upgrade IS EXACTLY THE ISSUE WE ARE DISCUSSING HERE or did you somehow miss that in these 34 pages?
You are one sick individual that thinks a person should be GRATEFUL for what they are legitimately PAYING FOR. people like you are VERY SCARY.
"And now they're done offering free upgrades to this plan, and who can blame them? People have been milking the $30 price point for long enough."
I don't want a free upgrade. I don't want a partial upgrade. I don't want anything from sprint except what I have had from day one.
I buy my phones outright. I don't use subsidies. I used a "sprint" subsidy exactly TWICE in my entire life. once when I first got sprint 15 some odd years ago and I did the 1 year since the plan price was HIGHER if you did no contract even if you bought the phone outright (unethical even then) and when I switched to SERO because it was required.
the dozen or so phones I have sitting at home besides those 2 I paid FULL PRICE for. I don't do upgrades.
so I am asking for NOTHING for my upgrade. I have ZERO problem with sprint saying no subsidy.
"When were you able to get Android/WebOS phones on SERO before?"
Go find the very first time sprint said "no" to android phones.
1 day before that day I was able to use any available android phone on my account. 1 day later sprint ALTERED the rules and said nope now you need to upgrade.
"Except you've already mentioned that you weren't able to get a non-Power Vision phone onto your Power Vision account. SERO has had restrictions in the past, and it has them now. "
your either a trill a child or brain dead.
If you had the old $39.99 400 minute plan with Data from 12 years ago YOU COULD NOT USE A POWER VISION PHONE WITHOUT CHANGING YOUR PLAN.
The phone needs to be TECH COMPATIBLE to your plan. So if your plan is POWER VISION you can only use power vision phones.
Pre - power vision
pixie - power vision
8350 - power vision
tout - power vision
moment etc.. - power vision
what is unclear here?
Let me give you a BETTER example.
BB 8330 and 8350
I can use the 8330 but NOW (I was able to months ago but not today) I can NOT USE the 8350
the 8350 is IDENTICAL in every meaningful way to the 8330 in fact the ONLY difference besides a SLIGHT casing redesign is one uses a mechanical trackball and the other one uses a squirkle touch pad.
Tell me how an 8350 with EXACTLY the same operating system can use more data than the 8330
Lets see you squirm your way out of THAT example.