Originally Posted by Mike G.
I'm pretty sure the problem has been resolved by now, but I thought I would ask a couple questions. Does the phone only wake up randomly or does the screen turn off randomly too? My TP2 has been acting real funny lately, turning off the screen on it's own randomly while still recognizing what is being pressed while it's off. It turns itself back on when it wants to. I've flash danced like twice and have performed multiple hard resets to no avail. When I flashed it to the latest BigMaxSense rom, I thought the issue stopped, but during typing a text while the phone was charging it started happening again. This has been a issue across all 4 different roms I've flashed lately.
Few things I would try:
1. Use kbdcontrol to reassign the power key to something else, or just nothing. You may not be pressing it but it's possible that's it's making contact intermittently causing your problem. This is assuming you're going into standby and not just screen off mode (your post is a bit unclear)
2. Try another battery
3. Open her up and make sure the ribbon cable is not loose in any way. I would do this immediately if you use the physicaly keyboard a lot like myself. It's pictured nicely in this thread along with disassembly instructions: