Re: sprint touch pro 2 on boost
OK lets clear some things up.
To get the Sprint TP2 on boost mobile you DO NOT NEED TO CLONE THE ESN. as a certain person here stated which has no idea what he's talking about.
All you have to do is get lucky & get a boost CS rep to activate it without too many questions. just have an existing boost cdma account call the CS and state that your replacing the phone on your account because the old one broke you dont know exact details on the new one just thats a boost phone and that its red or whatever color u want.
This is not illegal.
You do not need to flash anything on your TP2 to make it work on boost mobile. There isnt a boost mobile flash. nor a boost mobile Rom.
To get the internet, sms, phone to work you have to install the latest sprint prl update if your on a custom rom.
To get the MMS to work you have to install the correct mms .cab for it
If anyone wants a detail step by step guide on how to do this or just the guide for the mms cab just requested and ill will do it.
*If i helped feel free to hit the thanks button*
Last edited by masetas; 09-06-2010 at 02:10 PM.
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