Re: New SERO Oct 1st
i love how hou you intentionally misquote me out of context and miss the context just 4 inches to the right of the part you bolded.
way to go I won't even honor your meaningless attempt with a further clarification. My statement stands.
I use a lot of data. my data usage WILL NOT go up with an evo. it will be the same as it is now.
I am sorry but 4g is not DISTINCTLY new as was the difference between 1x and 3g
the difference between 1x and 3g was like the difference between Dial up and DSL
the difference from 3g to 4g is more like the difference between dsl and cable
ie no real difference. cable uses different tech and is slightly faster but otherwise not really any different or distinct.
i also love how you are harping on the 4g right after I said FORGET the 4g because only 2 of the iconic phones even have 4g.
so your argument is meaningless.
as for you the other guy saying stop already
no one is forcing you to read or reply. just unsubscribe and walk away if you don;t like it. Won't bother me.