Originally Posted by muyoso
If you ever want to see 4g in your area, you will pay the fee and accept that you are an early adopter of the technology and are helping to build the network by paying extra for said service. How is this so difficult to understand people? In a few years, there will be no 4g fee because 4g will have become the standard and the network will be fairly well established.
Exactly my point. right now i DONT want to see 4g in this area.. I could care less. I'm on campus in a campus town and everyone in this little town can handle everything via free WiFi from the Uni. (no, it's not seattle, just haven't changed my location yet)
It's not difficult to understand. I understand it really well. I also understand if a company wants to put out a "feature" and force people to pay it, whether or not they CAN use it, it should be considered part of the package, like nights and weekends... not as an add-on