Originally Posted by Miami_Son
"1. The CDMA Phone is the same exact phone as the GSM version accept for the cellular antenna."
If this is true, why can't you simply flash a GSM ROM to a CDMA phone and vice versa? Doing this will brick the phone. You can't because it has to do with hardware other than the antenna.
"As I previously mentioned, the hardware in your device is identical to that of the GSM sister with the difference of the Cellular antenna."
No idea on why a ROM from GSM would brick a phone (maybe some command when it starts up looks for the wrong antenna bricks it ?), also the fact that we are using an un-offical method to unlock phones, it might have something to do with it...
I'm not an expert on this by any means, and can not answer every question. I want to get to the bottom of this, is it possable, if so, how ?
Yea, FM is ok, but, I am a big sports fan, my local radio station plays all the games over FM but, will not stream them over the web, never mind dead spots.
People have said, the hardware is not there, that is incorrect according to HTC. People have said, it was in the startup commands or PRL (why someone said that I have not idea), incorrect according to HTC. People have said that HTC disabled it, HTC said it was incorrect (disabled by the actual carriers not by HTC).
Hey, don't know it all but, I am trying to put a effort in to find out what the deal is here, a lot more than people telling us that it will not work, or the hardware is not there, or just give it up.
If there is NOTHING productive to say about this subject besides somethign negitive, please don't say anything...