Re: New SERO Oct 1st
Ahh maybe I joined late. Power Vision versus non power vision is a non argument. you don't get to use that. ITs a DISTINCT technology change and ALWAYS required a plan change.
4g is not a distinct technology change AND only the evo and epic have it so that argument is out the window too.
When I got my sero account there was not one single phone that I could not use on my account as long as it was power vision (IE I could not easily activate my old sanyo 6200 if I wanted too since it was 1x only)
So sero has NEVER been "limited" in phone selection where those phones are otherwise technology compatible (IE power vision or 1xrtt) so your wrong.
there were NO restrictions on sero accounts that were not ALSO PRESENT on normal accounts.
if you had a normal $60 account with unlimited data you COULD NOT USE a sayon 8400 unless you CHANGED your plan to include unlimited power vision.
this is normal. this is NOT unique to sero.
as for your last comment. you miss the point. what happens in 2 years 5 years 10 years when THERE ARE no "sero" compatible phones.
not TECH compatible. that I can understand but phones that are incompatible SIMPLY because sprint says so not because the tech is different.
Sprint has no right to insist I pay more for android over windows mobile. thats the point you keep missing.
that is the same as saying the local gas station has the right to charge you for for the exact same gas just because you drive a nicer car.
Forget the evo and the epic. those are quazi arguably different TECH phones (ie another discussion)
all the other iconic phones are NO DIFFERENT than non iconic phones from a technology standpoint.