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Old 09-05-2010, 08:25 AM
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Re: Epic Battery Life!!!

When I purchased my Epic 4G on Friday, the sales rep at the Sprint store told me that I had to train my battery by using the phone (from the store, as it was) until completely discharged and the phone dies. Then recharge it completely, and do the same again. He said after 3 to 5 days of this it should reach max life/efficiency.

When I came home w/ the phone, the batt. indicator was flashing. I streamed slacker radio for about 4 hrs (no kidding) w/ my bluetooth earpiece to kill it. Finally died. Recharged (as instructed) and used the phone again until it died (which didn't take long) .. lather, rinse, repeat.. the first night, the phone died just sitting on a dresser. Now (sunday morning) I seem to be getting increasingly better/longer life.

I've never heard of a "training" procedure. I do know that (w/ WinBlows phones) when you flash a custom ROM to it, it takes a few charge/discharge cycles for the ROM/power management to accurately gauge the battery. Maybe it's similar w/ these new android devices ? (speculating)..

Just wanted to share my battery experience.
Samsung Galaxy S... Mine, is EPIC
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