Originally Posted by spectheintro
So basically you have a chip that doesn't support overclocking. That doesn't mean no one else should do it. Every chip is different: some can support 2-300 MHz overclocks, some can't. It's trial-and-error with overclocking.
Originally Posted by dialect129
i didnt say anything is wrong with it but whats so stable about having features that dont work properly? thats not stable in my book.im loving android for what it is it was simply stating everything not working right and ""UM" " not all apps work properly bump doesnt work at all! <thats not what i call stable...if thats what u call stable i got a car with no engine to sell you...and it works great!
There is nothing wrong with sharing your experiences, but the title of this thread can be better put...it's quite misleading.
Stability has a definition of itself...I don't think we can simply pick out what we don't like and call the system unstable. If that's so, I guess a stable ROM is nonexistent. The whole project is still in development...it's lacking certain features, but in general it is quite stable for me. (Again, I know it's lacking some features)