Re: New SERO Oct 1st
Guys, I really don't know why there's so much emotion in this argument. The people debating clearly fall into two camps:
1.) What the hell? Sprint is charging me more for trying to buy a better phone? Who do they think they are?!
2.) What the hell? Sprint is going to let me finally upgrade to a better phone? AWESOME!
Both viewpoints have merit. What Sprint did to SERO users by locking us out of certain phones sucked. That's the truth. But it's also pretty awesome that I can get a $40/mo plan with unlimited data, messaging, mobile2mobile, etc. with an Android phone. (I'm not going to talk about the 4G $10 charge because while I understand why Sprint is doing it, I think it's totally retarded.)
No one is really going to convince anyone else of their opinion in this regard, because there are no "facts" that can make someone think they're not getting screwed if they think Sprint is screwing them, and there's no amount of legal posturing/philosophizing that will make someone who's psyched about their $40/mo Android plan think they're getting cheated.
So let's just all agree to disagree, and universally praise the chefs and devs we've got, who are about to get me a fully-working Android on my TP2. Now THAT's worth celebrating.