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Old 09-05-2010, 01:42 AM
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Re: New SERO Oct 1st

not the same thing rushco. you KNEW it was an introductory rate. there was no question from day 1 your rate would go up after 6 months.

Sprint did not tell me OH by the way when the cool phones come out 5 years from now we are going to start making you pay more per month and not provide you with ANY more service than you are able to use now if you want to use them even if you buy them out right no subsidy.

apples and oranges.

BTW I got my comcast bill lowered to $38. they raped the analog spectrum so we get NOTHING on tv now unless we RENT boxes (we refuse) so I told them drop the price and can the $15 surcharge for not having TV or I switch to Clear and I don't care how much faster you are than clear.

They lowered the price.

alas there is currently no "competitor" to sprint though cricket is not far behind them. Not far at all. in 2 or 3 years cricket will be a serious contender for sprint.


change takes either powerful message or raw numbers but raw numbers don't just POOF create themselves. they start off with one person telling another one person HEY this is not right. Do that enough and you get change.

the trick is communication and education. They are very good at obfuscating both.