Originally Posted by nerys
We have laws that VERY STRONGLY discourage sprint from doing exactly what you suggest. IE it would not end well for sprint at all. It might even finish them..
Good god you're a drama queen.
There are no laws stating that Sprint can't increase their pricing, it is perfectly lawful for them to discontinue SERO and transition out-of-contract users onto more expensive plans and not offer a renewal.
Landlords do this all the time; and it's perfectly legal to do so with proper notice. We're essentially renting bandwidth and voice traffic from Sprint, and they're legally justified in increasing the prices as they see fit.
Are you really going to try and tell us that someone with a Palm Pre/Pixi, a phone that is "always connected" and "constantly updated from the web" is going to use the same amount of resources as someone with an LG Rumor? Of course they aren't, that's stupid.
Then they allowed the Touch Pro 1/2 on SERO, and they found that people used more data...I certainly do...but Sprint made their bed and they're sleeping in it.
It doesn't seem like allowing the same mistake to happen again and again would be wise, since there are ACTUAL, NOT-MADE UP laws that discourage executives to allow decisions to be made that would cost the shareholders money, instead of profit.