Originally Posted by veedubguru
Wow, definate improvement. Although I ususally leave the pp where it's set becuase I end up noticing a slow down if I shift it more than a couple of MBs. But with my 24MB Page Pool, I should have around 65 free, which is better than what I have now. Usually on boot, give it five minutes for everything to completely load and I'm down to 50MBs.
Are you running the Dinik, GTX, or just plain Cookie?
NEVER GTX (ha!) I'm anti white screen (battery drain) :>)) NEVER Dinik (ha!) I can't see crap especially outside with all that reflection stuff on every icon.. :>)
pp 18, (my current) 1 reboot, nothing extra loaded =
70 MB free of 181 MB
flashback from last ROM 129 for comparison..
0mb = 60MB free out of 199 OS suppose to dynamically allocate! (DON'T USE)
8mb = 81MB free out of 191 I ran this twice as the numbers were unreal & non proportional
12mb = 75 MB free out of 187 (drop of 6)
16mb = 73-72 MB free out of 183 (drop of 2-3)
20mb = 70-69 MB free out of 179 (drop of 4)
24mb=65 MB free out of 175 (drop of 4ish)
32mb= 57 MB free out of 167 (drop of 8 on 8 change)
64mb= 25MB free out of 135 (drop of 32 on 32 change)
I'm 3 up on this ROM over that one I post about many weeks ago.. so add 3 ...not sure about dinik or gtx