Re: New SERO Oct 1st
Fishpony, your idea is the same as mine except that I was trying to point out that the nicer car is actually using more gas. Sure from the perspective of us TP2 users and those who have basically the LAST high end smartphone that is allowed on SERO it seems ridiculous because using something like a Pixie or an Intercept will only result in similar if not less data usage. Sprint probably would've wanted to prevent TP2 and newer Windows phones on SERO as well...but that would result in many more upset customers. Since they allowed Windows Mobile phones, and Blackberries at the start of SERO (like the MotoQ and Treo phones that didn't use that much data), they continued doing so. But they saw an opportunity with the Android and Webos devices that didn't exist when SERO was introduced.
Yeah it would make sense for Sprint to introduce a data cap on these new phones without upping the price. However I'm sure they have a team of marketing analyst that is saying it is more profitable and popular even (because they'll just as likely going to get a bunch of people complaining about a data cap), to charge $10 more and throw in a few perks like AnyMobile.